Friday, March 15, 2013

Ten Money Saving Tips

The days of one bread-winner in a family seem to be long gone. In many cases, households only get by with more than one income. Whether it is one person working several part-time jobs, two people working part-time or any other combination, trying to balance income and expense has become an overwhelming task for many. One doesn't have to be a genius to realize these are tough economic times.

Watching the struggle of many hard-working folks out there, I've decided to spend some time researching and sharing ideas that hopefully will lessen the burden. So here are 10 tips for easing the pressure on your budget. Even if you only use those that will comfortably fit your lifestyle, you should be able to get some relief.

  1. Avoid eating out. Instead use that money to plan better, healthier meals at home and take your lunch to work using the left overs.
  2. Drink water. Instead of spending money on soda, kool aid, pucnch, etc., drink water with your meals. Not only is it healthier on the budget, it's healthier for you. Put whatever money you save doing this in and 'Ahh Shit' fund (you know what I mean, a short-term emergency fund).
  3. Buy bulk. Buy nonperishable items like pasta, beans, rice, laundry detergent, bath soap, bath tissue, etc. in bulk if you belong to a warehouse club (like SAMS) or take advantage of store sales like 10 for $10.
  4. Shop with coupons. Coupons are free money and are especially valuable if you can use them on sale items. Just remember, a coupon on an item your family will not use or doesn't need is a waste and should be thrown away.
  5. Buy second hand clothing. Second hand shops are great for kids clothing and equipment that the child outgrow rapidly. Don't forget to shop for yourself too.
  6. Purchase used furniture. Whoever said everything has to be new? Good quality, used furniture can be found at second hand shops, rental places, and yard sales. If it is not badly stained, upholstered pieces can be cleaned and wood furniture can be refinished (good idea for anyone looking for a hobby).
  7. Avoid using disposable plates and paper towels. (Again, put money into that 'Ahh Shit' fund.)
  8. Do not purchase or rent DVD's. Borrow DVD's from your local library. No only will you have the money you saved from the purchase to put into that fund I mentioned before, but it is a great family outing.
  9. Don't play the lottery. This is a no brainer. The idea of winning big is enticing, but the chances of it happening are minimal. Save that money!
  10. Pay yourself first. I know, everyone tells you this, and saving when you are working for minimum wage seems laughable. I would like to suggest that you use whatever money you are saving by using these ideas is a great place to start. Even if all you can manage is $5, saved consistently, this will help with those emergency expenses that seem to crop up when you can least afford them.
There you have it. Ten money saving tips that everyone can use. Hope you find them helpful and let me know how it goes.


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